Privacy Policy for the Goopax GPGPU Programming Software

Version 1.0, 2021-12-07

This privacy policy applies to the Goopax software packages, including the library and the example programs. The example programs are provided as part of the Goopax programming solution to demonstrate cross-platform development of GPGPU applications.

Use of Data

All software runs solely on the user device. No data is collected. No network connection is opened. All processing is done on the device.

Camera Access

One of the example programs (fft) accesses the camera. All data received from the camera is processed locally and the result (Fourier Transforms applied to that image) is displayed. No data is stored or transmitted.

Software Integrity

We take great care that our precompiled software is not compromised and remains free from any undesired malware. All compilation is done on dedicated build servers that are well protected from the outside world. To be on the safe side, we recommend that you verify the signatures next to the download links.

For more information, contact us:  

Goopax GmbH